Rediscover Your Self-Worth Kundalini Teacher Training


Let’s Agree to Disagree

Sitting with an acquaintance recently, this line came up over and over again. My friend was convinced of his point of view, and certainly I was of mine.

Who is right and who is wrong? There can’t be a right or a wrong. He was speaking with great conviction about his beliefs, just as I was sharing what I thought was right and true from my beliefs. In an attempt to salvage some connection, we kept coming back to , “let’s agree to disagree.”

There are times when you can sit with this old standby to keep the peace but it doesn’t always work.

With so much disagreement how can you experience peace? You can only discount what you feel and what you believe to a point.

No simple answers here. We see the world not as it is but as we are.

My reality is only my reality. My friend’s reality is his.

Peace is not possible with so much internal discord. Sometimes we have to wish others well and move on.

At the end of the day you have to be able to live with yourself.

If you’re constantly compromising your beliefs, there is no peace.

Sat Nam





Just For Today

Set aside all judgment, all criticism, and all need to be in control of everyone and everything.

The one thing that you’re in full control of is your reaction to any given situation…that’s it.

Let go of your need for anyone or anything to be any different than it is. When you free up all that energy you might decide it’s worth doing again tomorrow, and the next day, and so on.

Speak Only Words of Kindness

Speak Only Words Of KindnessIf you didn’t mean it, why did you say it?

In yoga, we refer to your word as a “seed” or “bija.” 

Once you’ve planted that seed it will grow. What you said is out there forever and it can never be taken back.

When you’re about to blurt something out that you know you shouldn’t…Inhale, hold, exhale fully and hold. Your breathing practices aren’t solely for  yoga class. Your rate of breathing and state of mind are inseparable. Calm your breath to calm your mind and life.

What you say lives forever. Speak only words of kindness.

Peace, It’s An Inside Job

How peaceful does it feel inside your heart, and inside your own mind?

It’s not always pretty in there- this is why we fill our lives with noise and distractions.

Yoga and meditation is an inward journey. It brings us home to our true selves.

It is a full body prayer for peace inside. If you can create peace within you, it will radiate out into your life.

It’s an inside job.

Give Us Your Presence, Not Your Presents

While you’re  rushing around buying gifts, your friends and family are hungry for  your presence.

Self-inquiry is a key part of any yoga practice. Stop and think about what is important to you.

If the people in your life are important to you then be fully present for them. Give them your time and give them your attention.

Allow them to be fully seen, heard, and  loved by you.

Choose to do things differently.