Rediscover Your Self-Worth Kundalini Teacher Training


We began a 40 Day Challenge at Semperviva just recently.

The Challenge is to complete forty classes in forty consecutive days.

That is quite a challenge considering that most students average five classes per month.

Students usually take part in the Challenge to get back into shape and end up surprised at the depth and diversity of the benefits of a consistent yoga practice.

What does your yoga practice give you?
Has it changed you in some way?

I was reading about a teacher this morning who said that her yoga practice made her “kinder.”

I love that and relate to it.

Yoga takes away some of the angst you feel that makes you push yourself and others too hard.

This teacher also said she practiced because it made her feel less frightened, and quotes her grandfather’s lament, “it’s really hard to be a person.”

Yes, it’s hard and it’s beautiful.

The problem is that when we don’t have a consistent mind-body practice, life feels hard not beautiful. With a mindfulness practice like yoga, you learn how to reign in your fearful thoughts and see beauty again.

A consistence practice helps you master your mind so it doesn’t run wild spinning fearful stories. It keeps your focus off your fears.

Here’s something for you to reflect on:

What is possible for you this year?


What is possible for you this life?


What is possible for you now?


If you didn’t join the Challenge, it’s not too late to start or create your own.
I’d love to hear what you experience after forty days of consistent practice.
Sat Nam, Gloria Latham

Find out more about my upcoming online courses, starting in November here.

Breath Of Fire

I taught a number of students this week that were doing breath of fire for the very first time. It reminded me how confusing this breath technique can be when you’re first introduced to it. It’s a technique well worth learning as it has so many positive effects.

Here are just some of the benefits of Breath of Fire:
• Energizing
• Cleansing
• Reduces addictive tendencies
• Increases your ability to focus
• Strengthens your third chakra and abdominals
• Strengthens your nervous system

I’ve attached a short video above as a reminder of how to do Breath of Fire.

Practicing Breath of Fire shows how quickly you can change how you feel through practices from this ancient tradition. When you change how you feel, you start to change your actions, and before you know it, your life just got better. Kundalini Yoga can change how you feel instantly.
Try it!

• Although a light breath of fire is ok for the first 120 days of pregnancy I usually recommend students switch to long deep breathing instead.
• A light breath of fire is recommended during the first few days of your menstrual cycle.
What your body can or can’t do during class is really not that
important. What’s important is to keep focused on the breath and keeping using it to move stagnant energy.

What your body can or can’t do during class is really not that important. What’s important is to keep focused on the breath and keeping using it to move stagnant energy.

Inhale deeply and find your strength.
Exhale fully and find freedom.

For more info on my online and live programs please click here.

Sat Nam.
Gloria Latham