Rediscover Your Self-Worth Kundalini Teacher Training


Game Changer

I was eight months into my Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training course, and ready to quit. I loved the practices but the teachings seemed too dogmatic.It was right at this critical moment that I met my mentor and soul sister, Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa. What was the game changer? It was when she played a Beatles song right in the middle of our yoga practice. It was so foreign to play anything other than Sanskrit or Ghurmeki mantras that I was blown away. I was surprised but also reconnected to what I found in yoga. It reminded me why I had started my journey in the first place…to bring me back to joy.

I’m honoured to be hosting Gurmukh at Semperviva this weekend. She has kept me on the path of yoga and inspires me to never quit…to never give up, ever!

Come dance, sing, sweat and reconnect to joy,




A Walk on the Wild Side-a noisier path to stillness

This workshop takes place  Sunday, March 3rd, 12:30-2:30pm  in Vancouver

Some of us are graced with quieter dispositions and the idea of sitting peacefully on a meditation cushion is pure bliss. Some of us need to take a noisier path to get there. Achieving inner stillness is critical to our wellbeing. It is only in stillness that we can hear and understand all that the universe wants to gift us. Stillness and peace is accessabile to all. If the quieter route challenges you, join us for a workshop that can show you how to find peace using a more playful method that involves, yoga, dance and song. Be brave!

This workshop is an exploration of the sixth chakra, and the wisdom it holds to grace your life. This workshop will give you tools for your own yoga and meditation practice, in addition to tools to share with your students.

Eligible for 5 hours of Yoga Alliance credits. Homework will be assigned to those taking this workshop for course credit.

All levels welcome. 80% asana, 20% theory.

Valentines Day Yoga with Gloria Latham (and chocolates)

Open your heart on Monday, February 14th. Join us at 7:30pm to 8:45pm at the City Studio for a special Kundalini Valentine’s Day class with Gloria Latham. Attend on your own or bring a friend.
We will work on heart opening postures and meditations to let the love flow. Come prepared to have a lot of fun.
Chocolate treats will follow class.

Shiva Rae comes to Semperviva

Shiva Rea is a leading teacher of transformational Prana Flow Yoga and Yoga Trance Dance™. Her studies  in the Krishnamacharya lineage, Tantra, Ayurveda, Bhakti, Kalaripayattu,  world dance, yogic art and somatic movement infuse her approach to  living yoga and embodying the flow. She is known for bringing the roots  of yoga alive for modern practitioners in creative, dynamic and  life-transforming ways and for offering the synthesis form of vinyasa  flow out in the world.

As a global adventurer, she has led over 70 retreats and pilgrimages nationally and internationally as well as served as a creative catalyst for conferences, festivals and actions for the environment, yoga and the arts including the third annual Yogini Conference of Kripalu and Omega. Shiva writes for Yoga Journal and is the author of award-winning CD’s and DVD’s to empower and transform yoga home practice. She lives with her family near their favorite surf break at Sunset Beach in Pacific Palisades, California. See the seva page for more information on the service and action projects that Yogadventures supports.

Max Strom comes to Semperviva Yoga

Standing Balance Poses (all levels)

Saturday, November 27th, 2010, 1:00pm to 3:00pm

Develop grace, strength, and concentration with standing balance postures. Learn how the habitual practice of balance poses can increase your longevity by many years. This workshop will begin with a talk about internal and external balance. Then, after warming up we explore simple standing balance postures and transitions. This class is ideal for all levels, even those who think of themselves as “clumsy.” These techniques are known to calm the mind and increase one’s patience and compassion toward others.

Learn to Breathe, to Heal Yourself and Your Relationships (all levels)

Saturday, November 27th, 2010, 3:30pm to 5:30pm

How does the way we breathe affect our stress level, quality of sleep, depression, and even our relationships? Breath penetrates, breath invigorates, and breath heals.

The class begins with a lecture and then moves into simple but profound breathing exercises, and gentle movement. The effect of these done in sequence can lead to profound release and calm. Other benefits may include increased energy and mental clarity. Once people have experienced the power of their own breath, they understand why it is called Life force. Class will include a lecture, breathing exercises, very gentle breath-initiated movement, and meditation.

Helpful reminders:

  • Do not eat at least two hours before practice and eat lightly.
  • Dress in loose fitting clothing (example: sweats pants and t-shirt).
  • Arrive a few minutes early.
  • Leave your cell-phone in your car.
  • Before class, inform Max of any injury or special condition.
  • Breathing workshop is not advisable if pregnant.

Free Book Signing Evening with Max Strom: A Life Worth Breathing (open to all)

Saturday, November 27th, 2010, 7:00pm to 8:30pm

In this inspiring book, Max looks beyond the often-written-about philosophies of yoga to what he sees as the purpose of this practice: to help with the journey within. Yoga offers the tools, but each person’s jail is a little different. He encourages readers to focus not on the tools, but on the endeavor. He reveals how to make changes in mind, body, and emotions simultaneously. The result is a new state of being: a life with meaning, a life full of love, a life worth breathing.

A Life Worth Breathing (all levels)

Sunday, November 28, 2010, 1:00pm to 3:00pm

This special workshop is focused on lifting us up from burn-out and re-igniting the inner fire, transforming depression into inspiration and anger into courage. This workshop is known for its healing, penetrating affect, leaving students feeling renewed and open. In this special workshop we will begin with a talk by Max based on ideas from his new book. This will be followed by the integration of breathing exercises and vinyasa flow. The final segment of the workshop will focus on simple chants unfolding into a transformational meditation.

Yoga: An Act of Remembrance (all levels)

Sunday, November 28th, 2010, 3:30pm to 5:30pm

The ancient ones teach that in the world of spirit we do not ever learn, but to remember. “Our task before us is to remember who we are and what we are.” Part I of the workshop will include a short talk, gentle postures, and breath work. Part II will be on the floor as we gently open the hips with long holds in preparation for a guided meditation on remembrance.

About Max Strom

Born with severe clubbed feet, Max Strom spent much of the first five years of his life with his feet confined in plaster casts and braces. Today, he is known for inspiring and impacting the lives of his students, teaching with the aim of personal transformation and has become one of the most respected teachers of yoga on three continents. He reaches beyond the boundaries of yoga postures, and addresses the internal and emotional aspects of our life, subjects which often lie painfully neglected in the yoga community. Many teachers have cited Max as a most important influence in their teaching and life-journey.

Former director and co-owner of Sacred Movement Yoga in Los Angeles, Max taught over 400 dedicated students a week, now travels extensively teaching and lecturing on yoga and transformation and leading teacher trainings. He is recognized by the Yoga Alliance at their Advanced Teacher Level (ERYT 500). You can see more of his work on his DVDs, Learn to Breathe, to heal yourself and your relationships, and, Max Strom Yoga–Strength, Grace, Healing. Visit for more information.

Dates: November 27th-28th, 2010
Times: Saturday, 1:00pm to 3:00pm – Standing Balance Poses (all levels)
Saturday, 3:30pm to 5:30pm – Learn to Breathe (all levels)
Saturday, 7:00pm to 8:30pm – Free Book Signing Evening
Sunday, 1:00pm to 3:00pm – A Life Worth Breathing (all levels)
Sunday, 3:30pm to 5:30pm – Yoga: An Act of Remembrance (all levels)
Location: Semperviva City Studio at 1985 West Broadway
Cost: $55.00 + HST (per workshop) or
$195.00 + HST (for all 4 workshops)
Contact: 604.739.2009

Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa at Semperviva

Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa is a pioneer in yoga and the mind-body-spirit connections. Based in Los Angeles, Gurmukh teaches Kundalini yoga, meditation, and pre- and post-natal care.

Among her clientele are Cindy Crawford, Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow, David Duchovny, Courtney Love, Annette Bening, Melissa Etheridge and Rosanna Arquette. She is founder and director of the Golden Bridge Yoga Centre.

She has been featured in many magazines, including Vogue, W, InStyle, and People. Gurmukh teaches all over the world, from India to Europe and from Central America to the United States. Her kind, compassionate wisdom and counsel touch the life of everyone she meets.

10 Sacred Secrets to Success

Saturday, October 16th, 12:45pm to 3:15pm

Many people feel that to be spiritually successful they must ignore the planetary level. In the Ancient Scriptures, as taught to us by Yogi Bhajan, to be spiritually successful is to be bright, radiant and beam the Infinite Creativity throughout our lives. To be successful on the physical plane, in the world, includes creating worldly goods that we can then share with others. Sharing to help others is a large part of the success cycle. When our spiritual plane success is exemplified through the physical plane success, we are power on all levels. Join us as we discover the underlying energy of success! Discover new pearls to take home with you and apply in your lives right away. All levels welcome.

A Split Second – The Awakening Call

Saturday, October 16th, 3:30pm to 5:30pm

A student comes to a Kundalini Yoga class for the first time and his life is forever altered. In one class, you can have a Kundalini experience that will reveal possibility, destiny and an inner knowingness faster than perhaps anything else. Similar to a near death experience, it gets down to the bones so quickly, yet so safely with absolute beauty. We will take our anger to innocence as we journey through the earth slipping off the cause and effect of karma, so that we might come to realize ‘the wanting of nothing’ and that our only need is ourselves. All levels welcome.

Give Yourself New Life with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation

Sunday, October 17th, 12:30pm to 3:00pm

Conquering Our Imagined Disabilities by Opening the Heart. Experience how to make the impossible possible, by accessing the source of strength within you to become crystal clear with a calm and open heart. Through Kundalini Yoga and Meditation, we will unload our unconscious burden, unlock our minds and understand our goodness. All levels welcome.

The Meaning of Dreams

Sunday, October 17th, 3:30pm to 5:30pm

When the subconscious is not clear, it is filled with unfulfilled desires and thoughts. Our life becomes filled with dreams at night and dreams during the day. Dreams may be very entertaining, romantic, or distracting but they are never a reality. We waste a lot of our energy when in these dreamlike states. At some point the dreams even take over our reality, and we start acting out the scripts that were handed down from the subconscious. Through Kundalini Yoga and Deep Meditation we’ll gain the ability to face the underlying currents behind our dreams, bringing the energy of our soul’s purpose into the picture. Then our goals and steps in life will be more satisfying. All levels welcome.

40 Day Challenge

Our 40 Day Challenge begins with a one hour event at Kits Beach this Sunday from noon-1pm at Kits Beach – attend to learn more and to kick off your own challenge by sampling a variety of yoga styles. If you’re unable to attend this event but would like to enroll in the 40 day challenge, let us know and we will register you and send you more information. If you have any questions, please contact us at 604-739-2009 or, or see our 40 Day Challenge page at  for more information.