Rediscover Your Self-Worth Kundalini Teacher Training


Kirtan Kriya-Full Meal Deal

This video demonstrates the simplified version of Kirtan Kriya. This is the version that I prefer because I can do it anywhere, anytime.

I can use this meditation when I’m out walking. I can whisper it softly or silently while waiting in line somewhere. And, I can use this method or the more detailed version  in  my early morning meditation.

If you’re curious about the full version, here is how its done. The mantra and mudra (hand gesture) are the same as in the video but the mantra is repeated in a different manner:

2 minutes out loud (the voice of the world)

2 minutes in a whisper (the voice of the lover)

3 minutes silently to yourself (the voice of the soul)

2 minutes in a whisper

2 minutes out loud

Finally, raise your arms overhead, stretch your fingers wide and hold for one full minute


If you have time, extend the meditation to 31 minutes. For the 31 minute version, repeat the mantra as follows:

5 minutes out loud

5 minutes in a whisper

11 minutes in silence

5 minutes in a whisper

5 minutes out loud

This meditation is a great one for the New Year because it helps us break patterns, and mental and physical addictions. Some of us are even addicted to procrastination. It hurts to know that procrastination is an addiction, but I promise you it is.

When you’re done procrastinating, let’s get started.

To give extra power to your meditation you can  visualize the syllables Sa-Ta-Na-Ma moving through you in an L-shape. Imagine the syllables move into you from the crown of the head (the pineal gland)  and out the centre of your forehead (the pituitary gland).

Please don’t overcomplicate things; just start using the mantra and mudra. Personally, when I have to start watching the clock, remembering when to be loud and when to whisper, and where my pineal gland is, I lose interest. I already have too much to think about.

I simply press firmly on my fingertips to ground me to the present moment, and I use the mantra silently in public and out loud when I’m alone to regulate my breath and reign in my overactive mind. That is how I find peace….I find it using simple methods.

Finally, I know you’re going to ask what  Sa-Ta-Na-Ma means so here it is. This mantra, symbolizes the cycle of life.

  • SA   is birth
  • TA   is life
  • NA   is death
  • MA  is rebirth or regeneration


Here’s to new beginnings, and an amazing New Year ahead!

It’s Dark For a Reason

Nature fully supports you on your journey. Stay connected to what is going on. The shorter, darker days are an invitation to go inward and assess what kind of internal environment your external actions have created. Have you created peace for yourself? Are you living with grace?

If everything still feels like an interminable struggle, I encourage you to stop blaming and start owning your part in your story.

If you want to be happy, it really is up to you.

If you want peace, again it’s up to you.

It’s your body, it’s your mind, it’s your journey, it’s your life.

Try to love it all!