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Check In

Here we are at the end of the month. Before you know it, we’ll be at the end of another year. Is your resolve to have a great year as high now as it was in that first week of January?

If not, why? Did you get too busy to accomplish what you set out to? If so, when is it going to be the perfect time to start working on your dreams and goals? There is no perfect time. The world is not going to slow down for you. You have to slow yourself down instead by starting to create “don’t do” lists as often as you create the ever-present “to do” lists.

Beware of the things that take you further from the person you’re ready to become. What are you really willing to exchange your energy and your time for? Your life is made up of the minutes of your day. How are you spending your life? Make sure you always have your dreams in sight.

Don’t let yourself become overwhelmed by the magnitude of all that you want to do. What is most important to you now? Focus on that. Focus on what you love.

No one can do this work for you. We’ll cheer you on, but we all walk our paths alone.












Winter Solstice

We move from darkness towards the light. We move from frustration, disappointment, anger or resentment to forgiveness of ourselves and others.

We begin again. Prepare now for 2015.


1. Who do I need to forgive?

2. What do I need to forgive myself for?

3. What are the things that really matter to me?

4. What are the things that REALLY, really matter to me?

5. What do I want 2015 to be for me?

Forgive, and prioritize what is important to you. Find ways to celebrate life more.

If you need a little help in the forgiveness department, practice this meditation and commit to it for a full 40 Days. There is freedom in forgiveness.

Happy Holidays!

Darkness to Light
Darkness to Light