Rediscover Your Self-Worth Kundalini Teacher Training


Winter Solstice

We move from darkness towards the light. We move from frustration, disappointment, anger or resentment to forgiveness of ourselves and others.

We begin again. Prepare now for 2015.


1. Who do I need to forgive?

2. What do I need to forgive myself for?

3. What are the things that really matter to me?

4. What are the things that REALLY, really matter to me?

5. What do I want 2015 to be for me?

Forgive, and prioritize what is important to you. Find ways to celebrate life more.

If you need a little help in the forgiveness department, practice this meditation and commit to it for a full 40 Days. There is freedom in forgiveness.

Happy Holidays!

Darkness to Light
Darkness to Light