Rediscover Your Self-Worth Kundalini Teacher Training


Owning Time December 28th,2016

I’m working very hard to change my relationship with time.

I’d like to feel that I own time and it no longer owns me.

One of the things that helps me the most is when I slow down. It’s ironic because you’d think that going slower would just create more stress. If I sit in complete stillness for even as little as five minutes, I gain clarity that saves a lot of wasted time running around in panic mode.

Meditation keeps me from being reactive.

There will always feel like there are hundreds of fires to put out…so many things that urgently need my attention but in truth, I can only do one thing at a time.

I’ve learned that trying to do too much just means I do a lot of things poorly.

If I’m having a conversation with you, then I want to be fully absorbed in you in this moment.

If I’m in class, I want to give my full attention to class.

If I’m sipping a coffee, I want to savour every drop.

As best as I can, I’m going to start taking life one thing at a time.

Sat Nam

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