Rediscover Your Self-Worth Kundalini Teacher Training


Why I Teach Kundalini Yoga January 08th,2014

PeaceI came to Kundalini Yoga because my life wasn’t working. The level of stress in my work and home life was toxic even though I worked in a healing profession and knew all the right things to do for my personal health.

Without doing any research on Yoga Teacher Training programs or career paths, I signed up for my training in Kundalini Yoga. I know now that this was the right decision because this yoga suits my overactive mind, and restless energy best. Finding peace through stillness wasn’t possible for me at the time.

I never planned to teach Kundalini Yoga, run Yoga Studios, Retreats, or Yoga Teacher Trainings. It all came out of a deep desire to share with people the practice that had impacted me so profoundly.

Yoga has become my lifeline and I feel a responsibility to share its transformative power with others.

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training will be held twice in 2014.

The Vancouver program begins January 24th, and runs over two weekends,

The program in Greece runs August 25th-August 31st,

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