Rediscover Your Self-Worth Kundalini Teacher Training


Stop. Don’t Google It! May 16th,2017

You may have been doing Kundalini Yoga for some time now, or maybe you’ve only tried a class or two. Regardless, you know by now that this style of yoga is quite different. It’s not what you expect of yoga. Where are all the Warrior poses and where are those long deep stretches?

The practice is different for a reason. It’s meant to take your focus off your physical body and do the internal work of freeing your Kundalini energy? My what??? Your Kundalini energy.

Did you know that’s the point of all yoga, to release your Kundalini energy, it’s just that each style takes a different route. We call Kundalini Yoga the fast track because you don’t have to worry about physical alignment or perfecting postures on this journey.

So what is Kundalini energy anyway?

Don’t google it! The minute you look up Kundalini energy or Kundalini yoga, you’re bound to become confused.

One of the things that will come up almost right away is the idea that Kundalini is dangerous. It can’t be, it’s an energy that already exists in you. So what is it?

It’s your untapped potential that lays dormant at the base of your spine, and your work is to awaken this energy so you can wake up to all that life has to offer you.

So how do you awaken this energy? It happens almost imperceptibly through your practice. That’s the beauty of the practice. Day after day, week after week, you start to feel different somehow. You’re clearer, less reactive and so much stronger than you were before.

Your muscles are going to get strong, and you’re definitely going to get into shape doing yoga, but the best part of this is that you’re shaping your life.

You wake up to your potential and you start living into it.

Sat Nam,
Gloria Latham

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