Rediscover Your Self-Worth Kundalini Teacher Training


THE ULTIMATE CLEANSE February 26th,2016

I’m about to board my flight to Oahu where I’ll be teaching yoga and meditation at the Wanderlust Festival. When I first got the call to teach meditation, I asked, “do you know how noisy I am?” I had to be sure the festival organizers were open to a meditation class that what was active and maybe a bit loud.

I like to think of Kundalini yoga meditations as meditations for non-meditators. That is, meditation for the people who struggle most to be still.

The challenge with being still is that the minute the body becomes still, the mind becomes active. All those thoughts we try so hard to supress with our busyness come to the surface, and these thoughts can by ugly and angry.

The challenge with being still is that the minute the body becomes still, the mind becomes active. All those thoughts we try so hard to supress with our busyness come to the surface, and these thoughts can by ugly and angry.

That is where your power is, in being fully present for each moment of your life. Not lost in memories of the past or projecting ahead to what might happen in the future.

Your mind is an incredible storyteller, it generates thousands of thoughts per second, and has the ability to choose a thought and create drama and internal turmoil.

One of the most freeing things one of my teachers said to me was, “if you’re having a thought you don’t like, choose another one.”

It can be that simple to choose peace.
Your internal chatter might be full of “what ifs”
What if the relationship doesn’t work out?
What if I don’t get that promotion at work?
What if my car breaks down and I can’t afford a new one?

Stop directing your energy at all the things you don’t want to happen and start creating peace inside your heart and mind. From this centered place, you’ll be able to handle whatever challenge comes your way. And there will be challenges because it’s our challenges that make us grow.

Today I choose peace, and I will sweat, dance, laugh and sing until I can find that place of stillness and calm that resides in each and everyone one of us at all times.

Sat Nam

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Follow Your Heart

Whose Voices Are In Your Head