Rediscover Your Self-Worth Kundalini Teacher Training


When Worlds Collide March 11th,2017

I’ve just wrapped up teaching at the International Yoga Festival in Rishikesh.

It’s a long journey and every year I question why I need to keep travelling so far.

The questioning doesn’t last long. It’s the diversity of students and fellow teachers that keeps me coming back. Continuous learning is one of the things I value most and I also enjoy putting myself outside my comfort zone to stretch my limits.
You’ll often hear travellers draw comparisons to home, but If you want things to be just like home, you can always stay home. Travelling allows you to soak up a new experience, a different opinion, a new perspective.

Can you let go of your need for things to be a certain way?
I love to hear how other students practice and experience yoga in their countries and there were over 100 countries represented at the festival.
This year was particularly gratifying for me as I got into some interesting conversations with teachers far senior to myself. We talked, we laughed and finally we danced, understanding that no matter how we approach the practice, regardless of style, and technique, we all ultimately want to be experience peace and joy.
P.S. I’ll be back in Vancouver on March 26th and launching right into my Breakthrough Your Blocks program, 6:00am–9:00am at Semperviva City Studio for one full week. Find out more here or personal message me at

Who You’ve Become

Facing Your Fears