Your Next Chapter is a 40-Day Online Kundalini Awakening Yoga Immersion to help you reinvent your life through powerful 30-minute daily practices — without the
guru worship, headstands, or awkward poses.
Watch the video below to learn more about Your Next Chapter
You want MORE for yourself and MORE from your life.
Because, no matter how you try, the answers will never be found outside of yourself. This is why most efforts at change fail, or the results don’t last more than a few weeks. Lasting change is an INSIDE job — one that only YOU are qualified to do.
The capacity that has been lost in the stress and uncertainty of the last few years.
The capacity that has been blocked by years of denying what you truly want.
The capacity to go from being an “I’ll do it someday” person to being an “I’ll start today” person.
Unlock your Kundalini Energy with Chakra Activation Dont' miss your last chance to SAVE $500!
In order to create lasting change and fulfill your unique destiny, you need an OPEN CHANNEL to tap into your Kundalini Energy.
When this Chakra is
When this Chakra is
When this Chakra is
When this Chakra is
When this Chakra is
When this Chakra is
When this Chakra is
So many people spend their entire lives denying their dreams.
They spend more time talking themselves OUT of what they want, than they spend actually working toward it.
The problem is, you’re trying to solve a deep issue with strategies that only scratch the surface.
Are you afraid to even ask yourself that question?
Are you afraid of what the answers might be, if you’re completely honest with yourself?
And you don’t want to spend one more day waiting to fully live your life.
Unlock your Kundalini Energy with Chakra Activation - spots fill up fast! Give Yourself this opportunity to activate your full potential.
Reinventing Your Life with Kundalini Awakening Yoga A 40-Day Online Immersion.
Set Your Burden Down
Reset Your Mind
Your Core Essence & Your Real Dream
You’re Stronger Than You Know
Break Down Your Walls
What You Want
Commit to Change
Keep the Passion for Your Dream Alive
Honor Your Word
Who Let You Down? (Learning to Trust Again)
Whose Permission Are You Waiting For?
What’s Your Why?
Rewrite Your Story
Give Voice to Your Dream
The Real Barriers to the Next Chapter - from Limiting to Limitless Beliefs
Why Nothing Changes
Let Go of Judgment, Worry & Perfectionism
Release Stored Anger
Empower Yourself
Be Who You Really Are (Drop Your Story)
When You Move Toward Your Vision, It Moves Towards You
Give 100%
Your Future Self
See Your Blind Spots
Drop Your Excuses
Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
The Breakthrough You Most Want and Need
Self Expression & Accelerating Manifestation
Balanced Goals
Unconditional Love
Receive /Self Mastery
The Mind/Body Detox
The Negative Mind
The Positive Mind
The Neutral Mind
The Voice of Your Soul
What Changes Do You Need To Make
What Else Do You Need To Release
Not Giving Up Now
Your Journey Through the Chakras
An entire collection of daily 30-minute classes that include physical practice, breathwork, and meditation
Access to the worldwide online course community for questions and discussion, as well as a members-only Facebook Group.
For as long as the course exists, you have access. That means you can return to the classes again and again.
If you’re on the teacher training path, you may earn 60 credits for completing this program.
A beautifully designed journal to help you take your journey deeper, and examine + integrate the shifts you’re experiencing on the mat.
Enroll Now to Get Your CopyLifetime Access to Freedom from Fear Value $397 USD
This pay-in-full bonus course is a 4-week Kundalini Awakening Yoga experience for people of all fitness levels, who want to release fear, develop resilience, reset the nervous system, and connect to the wisdom of the body, without a huge time commitment.
Don't Miss Your Last Chance to Save $500 - DOORS CLOSING MIDNIGHT TONIGHT!
After 40 days, you will unlock access to Freedom from Fear (a $397 value) — only when you pay in full.
What if the answer you’ve been seeking all of these years is already there?
What if the answer isn’t constantly “improving” yourself, but rediscovering yourself?
Francine Dubuc, Soul Leadership Coach & Kundalini Awakening Yoga student
Angeline Engelbrecht, Yoga Teacher & Kundalini Awakening Yoga student
Cassandra Podborski, Financial Manager & Kundalini Awakening Yoga student
Carolyn Cushing, Healing and Empowerment Coach & Kundalini Awakening Yoga student
Gloria Latham worked as a licensed pharmacist for almost a decade before discovering true health through the practice of yoga and meditation.
She’s now one of the most influential forces of Yoga Teacher Training globally and is best known for her transformational Online Immersions and Retreats that help students powerfully break through emotional and physical barriers.
Gloria is a Lululemon Global Ambassador, a frequent presenter at Yoga conferences and festivals worldwide, as well as Gaia TV and Yoga International. She founded Semperviva Yoga-which served the community in Vancouver, Canada for 25 years.
Yes, this course is eligible for 60 hours of Yoga Alliance Approved Teacher Training.
The period of 40 days is a traditional number for transformation. And it is a good amount of time to form and solidify a habit and routine.
Yes, that’s what I recommend if you want to get the fastest and most profound results. Taking just 30 minutes a day for yourself will save you enormous amounts of time and stress later. You have lifetime course access, so you can always return to the immersion or any individual classes later as needed.
You will receive an email receipt and an email with your login information. If you’re already a student, your course will be in your portal waiting for you once you sign up. The immersion classes go live October 4th.
You get access to Your Next Chapter Immersion and the bonus Chakra Shake Up Challenge classes are available immediately. If you pay in full, you receive access to Freedom from Fear. This gives you plenty of time to complete Your Next Chapter first, which is what I strongly recommend.
You have access to all 40 classes, any bonuses you receive, and the journal for the LIFETIME of the course.
No worries. This immersion is not focused on your flexibility, athleticism, or the ability to hold a pose. You show up on the mat and do what your body can do on any given day.
The meaning of Kundalini is often misunderstood, but it’s simple: Your Kundalini Energy is the greatness you’re already capable of. It’s not a skill you need to build. It’s not a habit you need to break. It’s not something about yourself that you need to fix. It just IS. Your Kundalini Energy is there inside you waiting for you to AWAKEN to it. In order to fulfill your destiny, you need to awaken to your Kundalini. And that is the ultimate goal of all yoga.
Kundalini Yoga is generally safe for pregnancy with modifications. But because I can’t be there with you in person to recommend modifications, I do NOT recommend you do this immersion while you are pregnant.
While most yoga is focused on asana (poses), Kundalini Awakening Yoga is focused on inner transformation: It is a JOURNEY of inner and outer healing and transformation. It is about learning a practice on the mat that prepares you for your practice off the mat — also known as your LIFE. It is about connecting to the CORE of your humanity.
Kundalini Awakening Yoga is a proprietary system that combines physical practice, meditation, mudra, mantra, and breathwork. The system helps you bypass your chattering mind, so you can clear subconscious blocks. It is not about holding a perfect pose or sitting still for hours at a time. These practices can be done in just 30 minutes a day and are not focused on holding static poses or sitting still.
Live calls can be a great way to connect as a community, and as a member, you may be invited to special live sessions throughout the year. However, the real work is done on the mat. The process of transformation is unique to you. So, through the practices and self-inquiry journal, you will experience change. You get access to your course right away, so you can get started immediately. One class will be released each day for 40 days.
Don't Miss Your Last Chance to Save $500 - DOORS CLOSING MIDNIGHT TONIGHT!
After 40 days, you will unlock access to Freedom from Fear (a $397 value) — only when you pay in full.