Rediscover Your Self-Worth Kundalini Teacher Training


Be Who You are May 01st,2017

It’s interesting that we say to each other, “be yourself”, or “be who you are.”

Who else could you be?

Do you change your behaviour seeking acceptance or approval from others? It’s a dangerous game to play because you end up building relationships that are inauthentic, and lose your sense of self.

Relationships are a dance of give and take, making concessions and being sensitive to the needs of others. But, if you don’t feel like yourself with your co-workers, your partner, or with your family, you have to wonder what became of the real you.

The Key to Being Happy

There is only one way to find true fulfillment whether it’s in your relationship, your career or any of your life goals. You have to live your life as YOU.

What leaves you feeling most disconnected from yourself is when you compromise your core values.

What do you value most? Is it honesty, truth, friendship, kindness, loyalty, patience, family life, health, open mindedness?

What are your top five?






Living your life in alignment with your core values is when you feel most like yourself and enables you to experience peace.

Are there areas of your life, or relationships you’ve built that feel in-authentic?

Honouring your true self is one of the explorations in my new online Kundalini Immersion, Heal your Heart. Sign up here to learn more.
Sat Nam
Gloria Latham

Make Room For Today

Yoga In The Dark