Rediscover Your Self-Worth Kundalini Teacher Training


Terms and Conditions

There are risks to participating in the following physical activities. They have been outlined in the “Waiver” Agreement on our website portal. Please re-read them before continuing with the exercise. It is recommended you consult your doctor before beginning or continuing this yoga and meditation practice. We encourage you to always take care and be sensitive to how your body feels while practicing any instructional video. If you feel strain, discomfort, pain or emotionally overwhelmed at all STOP THE ACTIVITY. Continuing while in pain may result in increased injuries.This course is not recommended for use in pregnancy. Consult a medical physician before participating in the course if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant. The instructor of the video is not a medical physician and the instruction is by no means a substitution for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. By continuing to the instructional video you waive the creators, producers, participants and distributors from all liability of loss, injury damage or death that may arise from participating.

All courses are 100% non-refundable.

The videos and all content is © Gloria Latham Ltd 2024. It is a crime to unlawfully share purchased videos and pdfs from courses. Gloria Latham retains all copyright and any unauthorized distribution will result in legal action.